
Lets face it.

I'd really prefer no apocalypse at all, but I'd take the zombie apocalypse over a vampire or dragon one. Zombies seem pretty easy to defeat, really. Vampires are tougher, and dragons like to burn you alive.

But the one I'm really afraid of is the fundamentalist religious apocalypse*. That one might actually happen!

*Not the one predicted in the Bible--just being taken over by fundamentalist ideologues.
12 years

Lets face it.

As a front running member for Team Z, I do not approve of this message. Dragons have fire; as everyone knows, we zombies do not like fire. Dragons are bad, especially because they will eat all us zombies and turn into zombie dragons, which are (as DH said) nearly unstoppable.
12 years

Lets face it.

applecake wrote:
Assuming we have to have an apocalypse of some sort or another

If we have to have an apocalypse with no hope of anyone surviving, I guess maybe I'd take the Vampire apocalypse. There's something satisfying about them all starving to death after wiping us out. smiley
12 years

Lets face it.

I pick dragons. I favour that kind of thing. I remember a quote from a story somewhere that stated the beginning of the world as dragons recall it:

"Once, there were dragons. And it was good."
12 years

Lets face it.

applecake wrote:
Derpy Hooves wrote:
SD007 wrote:
...what about a werewolf apocalypse?

Well, considering you only have to worry about them once per month...

Unless they use some kind of dark magic to mess with the moon.

Actually...for older, more powerful, Lycans the moon no longer holds it's sway. They can change at will.
12 years

Lets face it.

And also, I'm down for the Dragon Apocalypse. Moar souls k thx, omnomnom.
12 years

Lets face it.

comefeedme wrote:
I might be the only person but I didn't like Reign Of Fire

I didn't like Reign of Fire. Animals that eat ashes? It doesn't make sense.
12 years